The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights

The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights (PpDM) is a social, cultural and humanist non-governmental organisation, independent from political parties, religious institutions or governmental structures, whose members are women’s rights NGOs. It was created on November 12th 2004 and its main objective is to foster cooperation for collective reflection and action in the promotion of women’s rights and gender equality through several means, such as research, lobbying, dissemination of information, awareness-raising and training.

The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights (PpDM), as an umbrella organisation, contributes to the empowerment, articulation and mobilisation of Portuguese Women’s Rights NGOs and to the reinforcement of its networking and cooperation relations with European, Mediterranean and International NGOs working in this field, in order to strengthen and support these NGOs’ important social role as actors in the process of implementation of gender equality. The Platform also aims to contribute to the implementation of gender mainstreaming in all areas of society.

The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights represents Portugal in the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and in the Association of Women from Meridional Europe (AFEM), and it is a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM). The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights is a member of the EU Civil Society Platform against trafficking and has Special Consultative Status by the UN ECOSOC.

The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights runs a House of Associations in Lisbon “Centro Maria Alzira Lemos | Casa das Associações”; it has currently 29 member organisations dealing with women in our diversity.

The organisations that were involved in the constitution of the Platform were: Aliança para a Democracia Paritária (Alliance for Parity Democracy), Associação de Mulheres Contra a Violência (Association of Women against Violence), Associação para o Desenvolvimento das Mulheres e Crianças Ciganas Portuguesas (Association for the Advancement of Portuguese Gypsy Women and Children); Intervenção Feminina (Feminine Intervention), Graal (Grail); Mulheres Século XXI (XXI Century Women), Rede Portuguesa de Jovens para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens (Portuguese Network of Young People for Gender Equality) e Associação para o Desenvolvimento e Formação Profissional de Miranda do Corvo (Association for development and training from Miranda do Corvo).Download our leaflet.


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Centro Maria Alzira Lemos – Casa das Associações
Parque Infantil do Alvito, Estrada do Alvito, Monsanto.
1300-054 Lisbon, Portugal

Tel.: +351 21 362 60 49


Skype: plataforma-direitos-mulheres
