Dialogue cafe “Session on gender equality and empowerment of women’s rights”, 22 mar. online
Amanhã decorre a sessão sobre “Gender equality and empowerment of women´s rights”, entre as 15h00-17h00 (London time) organizada pelo Dialogue Café Servia e com participantes de Belgrado, Cidade da Praia, Cleveland, Lisboa, Novi Pazar e Rio de Janeiro. Ana Sofia Fernandes vai participar em representação da Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres.
Conheça aqui o programa:
Moderadora: Ms Milica Todorović, UNA Serbia Dialogue Cafe Team
Dialogue Café Belgrado:
Ms. Jelena Sekulic Nedeljkovic, Expert for Gender Equality at the local level, the UN Women Programme Office in Serbia
Ms. Milena Stošić, Special Representative of the Chairmanship-in-Office on Youth and Security, OSCE Mission to Serbia
Representante da Women’s Parliamentary Network, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia (TBC)
Respresentante da Women against Violence Network (TBC).
Dialogue Café Cidade da Praia:
Claudia Rodrigues, UN Women Office in Cape Verde
Graça Sanches, Gender activist
Dialogue Café Cleveland :
Representante da Flora Stone Mather Center for Women, Case Western University (tbc)
Dialogue Café Lisboa:
Ms. Ana Sofia Fernandes, Secretary General of the Portuguese Platform for Women´s Rights and Member of the Administration of the European Women’s Lobby
Dialogue Café Novi Pazar:
Ms. Fatima Durović, Centar DUGA
Ms. Nusreta Hudovic, KC Damad
Ms. Misala Zukorlic, City of Novi Pazar
Com a participação do Dialogue Café Rio de Janeiro
Para mais informações:
Dialogue Café Servia: Biljana Vukosavljevic – UNA Serbia (unaserbia@gmail.com)
Dialogue Café Association – Dalia Sendra (daliasendra@casadoregalo.pt)
Descarregue o programa em .pdf aqui.
Mais informações sobre o Dialogue Café (DC): is the first public high quality video collaboration network specifically designed for civil society – open to individuals and organizations with a social, educational or cultural mission – including foundations, civil society organizations, grassroots community groups, universities, schools, social enterprises, social entrepreneurs and innovators, artists and cultural organisations, public sector bodies and agencies and so on. We also seek to ensure diversity amongst our participants, paying particular attention to gender, age, and ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.
Together with Cisco Systems and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Dialogue Café Association has set up since 2010 a global network of physical spaces – Dialogue Cafés. It enables city-to-city and multi-city conversations and activities. So far there are 12 Dialogue café connecting Amsterdam, Cleveland, Lisbon, London, Melbourne, Northampton, Paris, Wroclaw, Rio de Janeiro, Florence and Ramallah and Beirut e aqui.