CSW68 – Conclusões políticas com forte apelo ao financiamento !
“Acelerar a realização da igualdade de género e o empoderamento de todas as mulheres e raparigas, combatendo a pobreza e reforçando as instituições e o financiamento numa perspetiva de género” foi o tema da CSW68 este ano, na qual a Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres participou.
Devemos pressionar os governos e o setor privado a financiar direitos e oportunidades iguais para mulheres e raparigas – Secretário-Geral da ONU. Ler mais.
CSW Insta os Governos a Integrarem a Perspectiva de Género nos Compromissos do Financiamento para o Desenvolvimento – ODS Knowledge Hub. Ler mais.
Após o processo de negociação, os Estados acordaram nas Nações Unidas as conclusões políticas que podem ser lidas na íntegra aqui.
Destacamos os seguintes parágrafos (sublinhados nossos):
- The Commission recognizes that public institutions can drive pro-poor, inclusive and gender-responsive economic policies with a people-centered approach and full respect for human rights and that women’s participation in these institutions is essential to combat gender bias and stereotypes both in policy making and policy outcomes.It further recognizes that ministries of finance determine the scope and direction of national fiscal policy, but may have limited capacity to analyse the gender impacts of fiscal policy including taxation and spending. It acknowledges that national mechanisms for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are important institutional actors that contribute to policy development and can transform public policy values.
- The Commission recognizes with deep concern that tighter global financial conditions have contributed significantly to a finance divide between and within countries, leading to higher external borrowing costs, which could, inter alia, make it more difficult for developing countries, especially low and middle-income countries and small island developing states, to pay for external debt servicing and could push more countries towards debt distress, and undermine their debt sustainability and affect the fiscal space available for essential social spending to accelerate the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by inter alia addressing poverty, strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective and on the provision of social protection and basic public services, such as health care, and education, on which women and girls living in poverty depend.It emphasizes that while domestic public resources continue to be an important source of financing for public goods and services, and help reduce inequality through redistribution, and those efforts need to be supported by an enabling economic environment and strengthened international cooperation.
- The Commission urges governments at all levels and as appropriate, with the relevant entities of the United Nations system and international and regional organizations, within their respective mandates and bearing in mind national priorities, and invites civil society, inter alia, women’s organizations, youth-led organizations, feminist groups, faith-based organizations, the private sector and national human rights institutions, where they exist, and other relevant stakeholders, as applicable, to take the following actions:
Integrate a gender perspective into financing for development commitments
(a) Take action to fully implement existing commitments and obligations with respect to the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls and the full and equal enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms without discrimination of any kind, including by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective;(…)
(hhh) Promote efforts towards inclusive, effective international tax cooperation, including on combating tax evasion and avoidance and curbing illicit financial flows, to expand fiscal space, include a focus on directing resources to eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, among women and girls throughout their life course;
(iii) Ensure tax systems do not inadvertently reinforce gender biases in society, including, inter alia, by assessing the impact of taxation policies on gender equality, with a focus on promoting women’s access to work and resources, and encouraging steps to increase the progressivity of tax policies with a focus on taxing those with the highest ability to pay, including via wealth and corporate taxation, and preventing regressive taxation that disproportionately impacts women with low or no incomes.